Saturday, June 27, 2009

Boy, what you gonna do with your life?

Image from

Bloc Party - Rhododendrons (zShare)

This is a song for long nights spent lying awake on top of the sheets with the windows flung open in the humid summer air worrying about not having a job; for sitting on the side of your bed with your head in your hands knowing that she's never going to come running back into your arms; for spending the night out with good friends that you don't see often enough and ending up back at somebody's house at four in the morning passing around the bottle of Jack Daniel's and being completely exhausted beyond the point of endurance and drunk as much on the sheer fucking beauty of the world as the alcohol. Afterwards, is it worth it for that one moment of drunken lucidity, before you finally collapse for the night? Yes. [Buy.]

"Drunk again in the rhododendrons."

Image by G.D. Jewell II on Flickr.

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